Play Ground


"All work and no play make Jack a dull boy". Sports - a quintessential ingredient of the personality development of every scholar. The school promotes and encourages a number of physical activities through sports and games. Academics and sports must complement each other in realising a child's full potential. Activities in the play field develop the quantities of team work, leadership, dedication, discipline, self confidence and self esteem.

SAGHS sports curriculum is based on the concept of every child's right to sport. It is designed on the understanding that children have vastly varying physical abilities and hence require different types of sports and games. We offer best facilities in sports and games strive to factually involve all the scholars in the use of this vast and varying infrastructure.

During the early years, children are encouraged to joyously participate in games and sports which develop their gross motor skills and co-ordination while the older scholars are encouraged to explore and display their special sporting talents. Special training regimes are individually developed by highly qualified and experienced instructors keeping in view the ability & talent of each child.

We have Basketball court, Volley ball court, and Cricket practise area, play area for the primary children, Badminton court and skating ground. A regimented training and coaching is provided for the scholars in their respective sport or game.